Stay Informed
In light of recent events, staying informed has been crucial in understanding what's going on. However, it's might seem difficult finding reliable resources as there are so many of them. Therefore, we felt that it was necessary to compile a list of resources for a series of causes and efforts. These resources include documentaries, articles, podcasts, petitions, and much more.
Show Some Support!

All lives matter when Black Lives Matter.
Black Lives Matter is a movement that advocates against the many injustices black people face in their daily lives. Black people are disproportionally affected by violence from a broken system that is meant to protect citizens, and the movement works to create a world where black people are not systemically targeted. It is our job to stand with them in solidarity, and we must work together to achieve justice for them.

A disease ravaging the globe.
COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, is a virus that has caused a worldwide pandemic. Over 10 million people have been affected, over 500k people have died, and the numbers continue to rise. In addition, this pandemic has also caused a shortage of necessary supplies such as masks, hand sanitizer, and gloves. It is important to learn about and follow precautions to ensure you are not endangering yourself and others.

A country on the brink of extinction.
Since 2015, Yemen, a small country in the Middle East, has been facing the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world due to an ongoing war with Saudi Arabia. Over 24 million of Yemen's population are in need of humanitarian assistance. In the midst of a pandemic, the coronavirus has only escalated the situation making the harsh living conditions extreme. Yemen needs our help now.

Millions of ethnic minorities currently housed in concentration camps.
Uyghur Muslims and other minorities are being held in concentration camps in China. In these camps they are tortured, forced to denounce themselves as Muslims, and are used as lab rats for experiments. These inhumane conditions can be considered modern day genocide but the media has failed to report it with minimal coverage since 2017. They face death if they do not comply to the rules that are set in place by the Chinese government. We must not turn a blind eye to these inhumane and horrifying acts of hate.
It's 2020!
Even as young adults who may not be of the voting age, political involvement is important. It serves as one of the best ways to make a difference in our communities and society as a whole. Whether you realize it or not, politics affect millions of people in many different ways, and it is a factor in every aspect of our lives. Political involvement gives us the power to create change in our lives and the lives of others.
Behind the confines of ICE.
Families who have crossed the border to create better lives for themselves and their children have been forced to endure horrific conditions at the hands of ICE. People are kept in detention centers that are up to 600% above capacity. Children are separated from their parents and kept in cages. They are fed poorly with expired food. No one deserves to be kept in these cruel conditions, and these people desperately need our help.